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A Date With Darkness Podcast

Jan 12, 2021

A Date With Darkness Podcast is hosted by Dr. Natalie Jones, Psyd, LPCC, a licensed psychotherapist in California. Join Dr. Jones for an intimate discussion about the effects of abuse and healing from relationship trauma. 

don Jose Ruiz, who co-wrote The Fifth Agreement with his father don Miguel Ruiz (author of The Four Agreements) joined us today to discuss the motivation behind his book. He shared some of his life's tragic experiences of trauma and substance abuse and how he fought and overcame his inner demons on his journey to self-love using the power of Toltec Wisdom.

*Please note: Information provided on this episode are general tips and suggestions. This episode may not be suitable for everyone, and the information provided should not be substituted for treatment with a licensed mental health practitioner.

See the YouTube Version of this podcast and subscribe to the channel: A Date With Darkness Podcast

Website for don Jose Ruiz:

Books Mentioned:

The Four Agreements 

The Fifth Agreement

My Good Friend The Rattlesnake

The Wisdom of the Shamans

Instagram don Jose Ruiz: donjoseruiz

Email questions/comments/suggestions to Dr. Jones at
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