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A Date With Darkness Podcast

Oct 27, 2021

Eliza Boquin, LMFT and sex therapist; owner of Flow and Ease Counseling, and Co-Founder of Melanin and Mental Health joins the show today. She and I had a candid conversation about sex, shame, and how that shows up in our intimate relationships. Unresolved sexual shame prevents us from being emotionally close to our partners, unable to enjoy pleasure, and may cause to check out of our relationships mentally. We discuss whether you should "do it anyway" and have sex just to please your partner when you're not motivated. 

*Please note: Information provided on this episode are general suggestions and is not applicable to every situation or person. This episode may not be suitable for everyone, and the information provided should not be substituted for treatment with a licensed mental health practitioner. Some of the information discussed on the podcast can be sensitive in nature, therefore listener discretion is advised. The opinions of the guests on A Date with Darkness Podcast are independent of the opinions of Dr. Natalie Jones, PsyD, LPCC. 

Visit Eliza Boquin, LMFT: Flowe and Ease Healing Center or Melanin and Mental Health

Watch the video podcast on Youtube: A Date With Darkness Podcast

Email questions or comments to Dr. Jones

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