Jan 15, 2020
A Date With Darkness Podcast is hosted by Dr. Natalie Jones, Psyd, LPCC, a licensed psychotherapist in California. Join Dr. Jones for an intimate discussion about the effects of abuse and healing from relationship trauma.
*Please note: Information provided on this episode are educational information and suggestions. They may not be suitable for everyone, and the information provided should not be substituted for treatment with a licensed mental health practitioner.
Joining us on the couch today, is Sonalee Rashatwar, LCSW, MEd who is also known as the ever popular Fat Sex Therapist on Instagram. Sonalee and I discuss how society's narcissistic views on body image developed and how it has an impact on what we view as healthy, how we feel about ourselves, and how this shows up in our bedroom. Sonalee also shared her battle with loving the skin that she's in and the impact that this has had on her life.
Website for Sonalee Rashatwar, LCSW, MEd.
IG: @sonaleer
Email questions/comments/suggestions to Dr. Jones at adatewithdarkness@gmail.com
Visit the website for more information: https://www.adatewithdarkness.com
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Twitter: @Adatewdarkness
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