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A Date With Darkness Podcast

Sep 27, 2020

A Date With Darkness Podcast is hosted by Dr. Natalie Jones, Psyd, LPCC, a licensed psychotherapist in California. Join Dr. Jones for an intimate discussion about the effects of abuse and healing from relationship trauma. 

I am joined by Shawna Murray-Browne, LCSW-C who discussed her work on Black liberation and healing from racialized trauma. Given the recent surge in media coverage of police brutality and racial unrest, it is important that we educate ourselves and manage our self-care. Shawna discussed the difference between Black liberation and cultural sensitivity/awareness. Lastly, Shawna discusses her personal journey of picking up the pieces after her arrest and using her experience to help others. 

*Please note: Information provided on this episode or general tips and suggestions. They may not be suitable for everyone, and the information provided should not be substituted for treatment with a licensed mental health practitioner.

See the YouTube Version of this podcast and subscribe to the channel: A Date With Darkness Podcast

Website for Shawna Murray-Browne, LCSW-C:

Instagram Shawna Murray-Browne, LCSW-C: Heal A Sista

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