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A Date With Darkness Podcast

Aug 20, 2019

A Date With Darkness Podcast is hosted by Dr. Natalie Jones, Psyd, LPCC, a licensed psychotherapist in California. Join Dr. Jones for an intimate discussion about the effects of abuse dynamics and healing from relationship trauma.

Dr. Meagan Houston-Bright, PhD is a police psychologist based out of Houston, TX; who specializes in working with those who struggle with suicide and self-harm. Today, she joins us to explain how the difference between suicide, self-harm, suicidal gestures, and morbid ideations. She discusses the importance of taking threats seriously. Lastly, we discuss the impact of the threat of self-harm on toxic relationships.   


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline  - 800-273-8255

Treating Suicidal Clients and Self-Harming Behaviors, by Dr. Meagan N. Houston, PhD

Why Does He Do That, by Lundy Bancroft

The White Knight Syndrome, by Marilyn Kreiger & Mary Lamia

Healing From Hidden Abuse, by Shannon Thomas LCSW

Healing the Trauma of Abuse Workbook by Mary Copeland MS & Maxine Harris, PhD

Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence by Philip Cook

To contact Dr. Houston-Bright, PhD please visit 

Dr. Houston's Website

Dr. Houston's Instagram

Dr. Houston's Facebook

Email questions/comments to Dr. Jones at
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